Watching the show with IPS students
Circus is a kind of synthetic art. The languages of circus are art images. Circus arts include subjects such as: acrobatics, juggling, trapeze, balancing dance, magic, clowning, cabaret shows, and circus animals etc. formed and developed from real life through folk games, traditional, religious festivals, community and cultural activities. Circus arts perform clever gestures of people or animals combined with costumes, lighting, music, props, and choreography for the viewers to see the good point and the beauty of circus arts.
To help students understand better the traditional circus arts and be entertained, relaxed after school courses, the IPS combined with circus Duy Khiem II to organize the show around the six IPS campuses from September 24th to 28th 2012 to give students the boisterous laughter and happy moments with their teachers and friends by the unique shows of cycling, roller balancing, juggling, magic and trained dogs.

Students were happy and eager to see the show at school
| The Collective Unicyclist show was very lovely.
The opening of the show was the "A collective unicyclists" performed by Trong Nhan, Nhat Minh, Kha Lin. This was one of the items that many children enjoyed because it required the skills of the performers to control the unicycles. Moreover, people who performed these bikes were very young, but as professional as older members in the circus.
After cliff-hanger moments the children watched the roller balancing screen on unicycles, they were very excited and encouraged to see the magic show- A type of performing art with strange metamorphosis which was created by the techniques or props. Especially, students were also very excited to participate in performing the repertoire under the guidance of the magicians. Although it was the first time but they were very clever, performed as a magician and were encouraged enthusiastically from their friends, made the campus’s atmosphere more lively and vibrant.

| The students actively participated in performing magic
"Roller balancing" was a quite impressive performance that was performed by Trong Nhan. All children were thrilled to see this performance; all students became silent when they saw one, then two, three pieces of wood taken cleverly up to the rollers while the performer was still in equilibrium on rollers..
In particular, the item that students like most was “the dogs’ class" performed by trainer Ha Duy. The dogs are trained to jump through the circles, push the car, walk on two legs, and especially do math. The trainer also wrote down the calculations on the board and the dogs used their barking to give the answers. Applause resounded throughout the vast space of the school. Every face was radiant with joy and excitement.