I. Objectives:

- To provide an occasion for students to enhance their English communication skills aiming to develop their foundation skills required for success. (GP - Students) (GC&IC 2)

- To educate students on the values and the use of money. Furthermore, trading activities help students develop confidence along with business and English communication skills. (GC&IC 2)

- Through activities such as the Charity program, students acquire various soft skills, develop empathy, compassion, and sharing attitudes towards less fortunate peers, as well as appreciate the good things they currently have. (GP - Community) (GC&IC 3)

- To develop social and global citizenship skills such as planning, budgeting, teamwork, sharing ideas, and interacting with customers, etc. (GC&IC 5 & 6)

II. Participants - Time - Venue:

- Participants: All 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders of the Asian International School - IPS.

- Time: From January 22, 2024 to January 26, 2024.

Venue: The Asian International School IPS campuses (Trannhatduat and Pasteur campuses are expected to organize the fair at Vanthanh campus).

III. Activities:

1. Secret Letter and Dance Game:

- The "Secret Letter and Dance Game" booth will be open throughout the fair. The booth owner welcomes randomly registered students or those listed by class teachers, with a maximum of 10 students per group.

- Each group selects a secret letter. Group members then discuss, solve the letter and agree upon a mutual answer.

- After successfully solving the secret letter, each group is assigned a dance mission.

- Groups that are able to solve the secret letter and perform the dance well receive a reward from the Organizers. This reward is dedicated to the less fortunate children in the Charity program.

2. Koolmarket Fair:

- The fair comprises basic booths: food, toys, school supplies, students' creative hand-made products, second-hand clothes or unused personal items, and books. The value of each item should not exceed 20,000 VND.

- From January 2 to January 5, 2024, students register to participate in booths based on the types of items they have at home. Students are allowed to bring money to buy items or directly exchange them for ones of equivalent value.

- On January 8, 2024, class teachers submit a list of registered students and their products to VP Managers.

- Students design their store names, advertising signs, and decorate their booth in English with the support of class teachers, teaching assistants, and art teachers.

3. Charity program:

- Students contribute products and profits earned from the fair to the Charity Program.

- The rewards from the "Secret Letter and Dance Game" are also donated to the Charity Program.

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