1. Objectives:
To stimulate students to learn beyond their borders, foster self-confidence and readiness to showcase their talents and abilities.
To help students develop their English competency and acquire global skills.
To develop students’ foundation skills required for success such as using the English language, showcasing talents confidently in front of a large audience, etc.
2. Venue: All IPS campuses of the Asian International School
3. Timeline:
Preliminary Round: From October 16 to October 27, 2023
English music teachers collaborate with Vietnamese music teachers to have each student sing during music classes.
Music teachers evaluate and select about two to three students with good singing abilities from each class, then compile a registration list for the semi-final round to submit to the School Board of Management.
Semi-Final Round: From October 30 to November 10, 2023
Music teachers (English and Vietnamese) allow students to register one optional song (the registered song must be age-appropriate) and one compulsory song (from the curriculum). Students participate in the semi-final round in the campuses’ music rooms or self-record a video of them singing the optional song.
Music teachers and IPMs select 10 to 20 contestants with good singing voices for the final round.
Final Round: Monday, November 20, 2023
The final round is held at the IPS campuses’ schoolyard, with the judging panel consisting of Campus Managers, managers of departments, music teachers, foreign teachers, and teaching assistants.
Performances in the final round must have their content approved by IPMs before students' rehearsal time.
Music teachers can allow students to combine singing and dancing, or add acting to make the performance vibrant.
All students must participate in the preliminary round.
In the semi-final round, music teachers create a list of compulsory and optional songs (registered by contestants). Based on the list, they can either play instruments to support students’ performances, compile a music compilation compressed in a disc or create soundtracks to be played during the semi-final round.